How to naturally whiten your teeth in 3 simple steps at home? I use natural products that yield results almost immediately. You can whiten your teeth at home safely, quickly with all natural products and its affordable. No more expensive teeth whitening kits.

When I started college that is when my obsession with coffee began. Coffee dates with friends, coffee help me through the day, coffee just because I loved it. Soon after I had my kids my coffee intake increased, from the lack of sleep and trying to muster through the day.

I enjoy my coffee drinks, along with black tea. But overtime I noticed my teeth were not as white as usually.

I personally felt that yellow teeth made one look older than their actual age. I bright and pearly smile just makes you look younger and more attractive. I was self conscious to smile at times.

I decided to order Crest Teeth Whitening Strips, it had high reviews and I wanted to see if it would help me.

I was a little hesitant to bleach my teeth. I was warned by my dentist that with extensive bleaching you can “can make the teeth porous and cause the surface enamel to break down and whitening strips can cause stress of the tooth surface and surrounding gum tissue.”

I was still determined to try something and the warning from my dentist was not going to stop me.

As soon as the whitening kit arrived arrived I quickly rushed up to the bathroom, read the instructions, followed by the side effects, like tooth sensitivity, yikes, burning of gums, ouch.

Oh well, a little tooth sensitivity and burning, bloody (slight exaggeration) gums is not going to stop me from having a white smile, I was going to give it a try.

I unpacked the box, wiped my teeth dry and applied them to my teeth. Just a note, it is not as easy to apply as it is demonstrated on commercials, go figure.

I impatiently waited, imaging me ripping these strips off to reveal pearly whites as you see on TV.

First 5 minutes passed, the burning started. I reassured myself the product is doing its job, removing the stains. Then the 10 minutes mark, oh the pain is increasing, still not to bad I an do it. Okay 10 more minutes till, 15 minutes later a tear rolled down my cheek as I was no longer able to handle the burning of my gums.

I hastily peel off the strips hoping for a brighter smile. I was sadly disappointed to see no change, and worried of the redness and burning of my gums. I also noticed that my teeth were more sensitive after for a couple of hours.

I was hesitant to use the remaining of the strips, but I thought I might as well see the process through, also I didn’t want to waste $50 I spent on the kit.

I finished the 14-day treatment, and although I did see some results, the drawbacks were much more significant. After each treatment my gums burned and my teeth were more sensitive throughout the day.

I wanted to come up with a solution I can use daily, without damaging my teeth and gums, and will yield results quickly.

In the past I used hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to whiten my teeth, and it was very effective. But I never used the two products together. I thought what if I after very brushing I would also use baking soda and hydrogen paroxide.

I decided to try it and the results were impressive. My teeth looked whiter and brighter almost immediately.

But here is the game changer, I incorporated one more products that someone recommended into my morning and night routine, and that is when the results went from impressive to dramatic.

Here is how to naturally whiten teeth at home and what my daily routine is to keep my teeth white and healthy.

  • Combine baking soda, activated charcoal toothpaste

Wet your toothbrush, then dip it in baking soda, add activated charcoal and brush your teeth for 2 minutes. After 2 minutes of brushing rinse your mouth. This is my favorite charcoal toothpaste I used for months.

  • Brush with regular toothpaste

After you rinsed your mouth, use your favorite toothpaste and brush your teeth. This will help remove any residue from the baking soda and charcoal toothpaste.

  • Rinse with hydrogen peroxide

Final step, follow by rinsing your mouth with hydrogen peroxide, this is safe way to not only whiten your teeth but to kill germs and heal your gums.

All done! This routine takes less than 5 minutes, it is safe to use daily and you will see a difference on the first try. Believe me it works.

This is also an inexpensive routine, my favorite charcoal toothpaste costs between $8.99 – $19.99 a tube, and lasts at least 6 months. Much more affordable then the 14-day whitening kit I bought for $50. But most importantly my gums didn’t burn, my teeth were not sensitive and I could use it daily without damaging my teeth.

Give it a try, hope it helps. Love to hear from you and what your experience is with teeth whitening products.